Children and minerals.

Children are often deficient in minerals for a variety of reasons.

Common mineral deficiencies are the following:

  • Iron: children might be low in iron if they follow a vegetarian diet, drink a lot of milk and don’t have much appetite for other foods, have coeliac disease, go through a growth spurt, or have gastrointestinal blood loss. A severe iron deficiency is called iron deficiency anaemia. See food sources for iron.
  • Calcium: this mineral makes up 1.5-2% of the body and is needed for strong bones and teeth. One survey has shown that more than half of Australian teenage boys and girls don’t have enough calcium in their diets.
  • Zinc: toddlers who have a limited diet for a long time and people who follow a vegetarian diet are most likely to not get enough zinc. Being zinc-deficient can harm your child’s growth. See food sources for zinc.
  • Iodine: iodine deficiency causes the serious condition goitre and can affect the brain. Mild iodine deficiency is common in the southern states of Australia, but most bread sold in bakeries and supermarkets is now made with iodised salt. If you add salt to your cooking, you can choose iodised salt.
 Up to 6% of toddlers have iron deficiency anaemia, which can have long term effects on brain development.

The best way for your child to get enough vitamins and minerals is by eating a wide variety of foods from the five food groups, including:

    • vegetables
    • fruit
    • grain food – bread, pasta, breakfast cereals, rice, corn 
    • dairy food – milk, yoghurt and cheese
    • meat, fish, chicken, eggs, tofu, legumes (peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas and so on) and nuts.

Our bodies absorb vitamins, minerals and other nutrients better when they come from food, rather than from vitamin and mineral supplements. raising children network

If you think your child is deficient in minerals please get a professional consultation with a qualified practitioner.


Healthy Kids Association Vitamins and Minerals for Healthy Kids

Kids Health Minerals

raising children network Vitamins and Minerals 

WebMD Vitamins for Kids: Do Healthy Kids Need Supplements?



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