The leaves and seed contain antioxidants and it  is used as a  carminative and digestive aid, an appetizer and a digestant stimulant. "In Asia the herb is used against piles, headache and swellings; the fruit in colic, piles and conjunctivitis; the essential oil in colic, rheumatism and neuralgia; the seeds as a paste for mouth ulceration and a poultice for other ulcers."  Weak coriander tea may be given to children under age 2 for colic.  Coriander contains substances that kill some bacteria, preventing infection. New studies suggest that coriander has anti-inflammatory effects. encyclopedia of spices


Almonds contain more magnesium than is found in oatmeal or spinach.  One handful of almonds contains as much calcium as a quarter of a cup of milk.

Almonds also contain:



Video: everyday foods that are super foods

How to make almond milk

How to make almond butter

 Delicious bites: healthy snack with only 5 ingredients and no sugar

In video at left how to use these therapeutic foods in your diets:

Kale: leafy green vegetable

Chia Seeds: gluten free, fibre rich protein that is helpful for balancing blood sugars in conditions like hypoglycaemia.

Quinoa: complete protein seed with many minerals including magnesium and iron. Can be eaten sweet or savoury. Gluten free.

Tumeric: anti inflammatory spice that is proven to be as potent and ibrupofen to kill pain.

Coconut oil: long chain fatty acid lauric acid is great energy for the body that helps with weight loss, heart health, anti viral, helps immune system.

Honey: enzyme source that helps digest food.

Chocolate: antioxidant that makes you feel good. 


In Ronaldo’s Kitchen you will learn:

• What are superfoods? And why they benefit general health

• The importance of using fresh seasonal produce 
• How to cook healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes 
• High energy and nutrient rich snacks and nibblies 
• The top superfoods used by ancient civilizations until today
• Tips about weight loss, exercise and how to get in shape again
• More than 45 gluten free and dairy free recipes

The 21-Day Sugar Detox

Have you tried to reduce or give up sugar? 



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