Molasses, almonds, sesame seeds, broccoli, brussels sprouts, chinese cabbage, salmon, sardines, turnip greens, collard, hummus, kale, milk, cheese and yoghurt.
It has the highest recommended dose of any mineral. Assists bone growth, assists tooth formation, helps muscle growth, blood clotting and nerve function.
SYMPTOMS OF DEFICIENCY muscle aches and pains, muscle spasms and cramps and softening of the bones.
800 - 1200 mg or 5 to 6 servings daily.
Calcium tablets are not very easily assimilated.
* Recommended Daily Allowance
Hummus - sesame seeds, tahini, chick peas, lemon and salt and water - blend to make a spread or dip.
Almond milk - blend almonds with spring water and strain this is great calcium source for children and grown ups who cannot tolerate milk and need an alternative source of calcium.
Calcium aids weightloss. Dr Robert Heaney, at Creighton University in Omaha USA, was amazed to find that women at mid life did not gain weight if they had a high calcium diet. Read more.
Calcium helps PMS. Dr Susan Thys- Jacobs from St Luke- Roosevelt Hospital in the USA finds that a calcium supplementation of 1,200 mg per day relieves both the physical and emotional symptoms of Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) by almost 50%. We all know that calcium is important for bone and tooth formation but did you know it assists in blood clotting, muscle growth, heart rhythm and nerve tranquilisation and has the highest recommended dose of any nutrient after protein, fat & carbohydrates.